Getting To Know The Warli Painting

Warli Painting

Getting To Know The Warli Painting

Warli painting is a style of tribal art created by the tribal people from the Northern Sahyadri range in India. It originated in Maharashtra, where it is still practiced today. Waral can be defined as a small part of cultivated land.  Warli culture highlights the concept of Mother Nature and elements of nature are often focal points in Warli paintings.
Warli artists use their clay huts as the background for their paintings, similar to how ancient people used cave walls as their canvases. The Warli's only paint with a white color made from a mixture of rice paste and water, with gum as a binder. The chewed end of a small bamboo stick is used as a paintbrush. Making good use of space to project their emotions is what makes the Warli paintings unique.
Warli in everyday life
Traditionally, Warli painting is done on a red ochre background with white paint and only two colors are used in these painting. But, nowadays, a variety of colors are being used to copy these artistic ideas on fabrics, home decor or other artistic forms.
With the back-to-the-roots movement taking over every part of our lives, art lovers flaunt the Warli theme with pride. The lifestyle sector in India is on the frontier of exploiting Warli art for lifestyle purposes. From brightly colored umbrellas to coffee mugs and teacups, rustic wall clocks, accents for walls and writing a paper - Warli is embossed on everything and how! And it doesn't stop here. For every Indian fashion designer, Warli art is a new trend. From adorning the borders of colorful scarves and Kurtis to decorating the beautiful jute and silk sarees, Warli has taken over the ramp for good.