How one can earn by learning Handwriting & Calligraphy

Calligraphy & Handwritting

How one can earn by learning Handwriting & Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a beautiful art form of writing. At a time when cursive handwriting seems to be losing its touch among children and adults alike, it may be surprising to note that calligraphy is making a comeback, with people recognizing the need to use calligraphy for making an impact on the readers. While carefully hand-lettered invitations, place settings, and envelopes are often used exclusively for weddings; at present, many calligraphers find themselves working on numerous celebrations and other projects.
Maybe people know you for your handwriting skills or you have been practicing calligraphy as a hobby. Therefore it is highly recommended for you to hone your skills and start letting your friends and family know that you've begun taking orders. With prices for using calligraphy, for the purpose of envelope addressing alone, beginning from around Rs. 200 (per envelope), Calligraphy could be a lucrative side hustle.
Nowadays many calligraphers begin by investing in good calligraphy sets. And it is imperative especially for professionals to also begin conducting classes as an effective way to earn.
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